C’è Crisi???

12 March 2009 at 11:38 pm 3 comments

Ciao Bloggisti,

Sometimes I like to read CNN.com to gawk at Anderson Cooper but also to get caught up on U.S. and international news. Except for one story on Canada’s Hot Spot (a joke, right?), today it seemed like it had one issue on the brain: the financial crisis. Here are just some of the headlines: “Madoff – I operated a Ponzi scheme“, “What to do if you’re laid off“, “Democrats to Obama: Hurry up and fix economy“, “Artists face tough economy“, “Track unemployment and foreclosures“. Pretty grim stuff.

The Italian papers are just as pessimistic, even if Berlusconi insists that the media is exaggerating the importance of the current crisis. Is he right? Is he messing with us? To be honest, I really don’t know. What I do know is that times are tough for everyone. There are people here who say this is the worst the economy has ever been but others who are confident that the hard times won’t last long, that the banks are strong and our money is safe. I am no Alex P. Keaton so I can’t say who’s right.

Perhaps Bugo‘s C’è Crisi holds the answer. It’s a tongue-in-cheek song about the financial crisis and what we should do about it. Should we be angry and scream about it or simply… do nothing?

Have you been feeling the crunch? How should we act/react? Is the media exaggerating?

Entry filed under: Canada, Italy, random thoughts.

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3 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Kristen  |  13 March 2009 at 5:28 am

    I like the “Democrats to Obama: hurry up and fix the economy” headline. If only it were that simple. (Oh wait! I forgot that Obama is the Messiah, so maybe he totally could.) All the news I’ve been getting from bankers/finance people is that recovery is inevitable but will be slow: anywhere from 2-10 years. But, at the end of the day, no one knows because this has never happened before. We’re living through major history people! As for Alex Keaton, I think he would be gagged and pulled off the air. He’s not much of a team player. Now everybody do the Macarena! \o/

    I guess we just have to take things day by day. Man, did I ever choose a depressing post to kick off the weekend! Thanks for the Macarena, btw. My dancing education stopped at the Hokey Pokey 😉

  • 2. joanne at frutto della passione  |  13 March 2009 at 11:29 am

    I think it really is bad and that denying everything and anything has become force of habit for the cruise ship crooner. Yes its bad and the pessimist in me thinks it is going to get worse before it gets better.

    I wish we could pack up all the Madoffs of the world and send them on a 3 hr tour with Skipper Berluska and Gilligan Tremonti.

  • 3. nyc/caribbean ragazza  |  13 March 2009 at 3:05 pm

    I was watching the news yesterday and an economist was saying the worst might be over by the end of this year BUT we are not going back to how things were before the bubble burst (in the U.S.).

    There were some positive signs in the U.S. recently. Citibank and Bank of America posted better numbers than expected.

    Obama was recently criticized by several high profile people including Bill Clinton for being so gloom and doom. Every time he speaks about the economy the market drops drastically. Last week he was more even handed (stating the obvious but also being optimistic that things will get better) and the markets went up.

    Unfortunately the American economy is driven by consumer spending. People who have the money aren’t spending it as they are fearful about the future.

    Five years ago economists were saying this prime lending bubble was going to burst and when it did, the results would be horrible. they were right.

    Me personally, my career is so unstable. I’ve been broke the last 8 out of 10 years. I’m used to having no money. However, that is going to change in ’09. I just feel it. Or that is what I tell myself so I don’t become depressed.

    Well, that’s good about Citibank and Bank of America. At least some ray of sunshine in this doom and gloom economy.
    And I think ’09 is so going to be YOUR YEAR!! If you feel it, it will happen 🙂


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