Bollywood cleans up good!

18 November 2010 at 1:14 am 5 comments

Ciao Bloggisti!

Just a quick post to share an ad that clearly shows how “masala” Italy is becoming:


In case you’re wondering what they’re talking about, it’s an engagement party and the South Asian woman offers ginseng (?!?) while insulting the Italian in-laws, expresses happiness that she’s going to have grandchildren (“I become grandma!”) and, as one does at these occasions, starts singing about cleaning products. Of course.

Entry filed under: Cavolate, masala, WTF.

Separated at birth, aloo gobi and doughnuts I’ve got nothing to say but it’s ok

5 Comments Add your own

  • 1. nyc/caribbean ragazza  |  18 November 2010 at 5:13 pm

    oh dear.

  • 2. Mental Mosaic  |  23 November 2010 at 1:09 am

    Hilariously surreal!


    And that’s putting it mildly!

  • 3. Elisa @ Globetrotting in Heels  |  5 February 2011 at 10:28 am

    hahaha! Awesome. “Ginseng sveglia tuo bamboccio” 😀

  • 4. rowena  |  17 February 2011 at 3:54 pm

    Haha, that’s great! I’m still waiting for a filipino (filipina) commercial as that is 80% of my lineage even if I have no deep knowledge about the culture. I do know that they make fab housekeepers, and as my husband likes to tease “that’s why I married you me!” A good thing I have a sense of humor, otherwise that 100% northern italian would have TWO black eyes.

    Hee hee! I still think it’s going to take another generation for Italians to get used to diversity. They’re still at the Archie Bunker level of awareness 😉

  • 5. khommy  |  16 June 2011 at 9:14 pm

    That was hilarious! And the lady had to bob her head like it was going out of fashion…lest you are not convinced of her indian ethnicity. Smh. It happens in commercials over here too (Malaysia). Which is a bit sad cuz we’re not exatly an exotic species here n yet when an indian man/woman appears in an ad, they’ll all talk in exaggerated accents, sing around trees, all the while bobbing their heads till you think it might just come undone anytime.


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