Big Mac, Filet-O-Fish, Quarter Pounder, French Fries, Icy Coke, Milkshakes, Sundaes and Apple Pie!

26 March 2009 at 1:00 am 5 comments

Ciao Bloggisti!

I was about to go to bed but decided to go on Dlisted for one last dose of dirty gossip. BIG MISTAKE! Now I’m going to have nightmares of Pharrell Williams dancing inside a Paris McDonald’s, begging for apple pie at six in the morning. And no, I’m not on drugs. But thanks for asking!

If you don’t believe me, have a look for yourself:

Now, I love Pharrell but that song & dance number was a superfail. And unimpressive. I mean, this is a man who’s worked with Madonna and all he got was “just breakfast”.

Poor guy! Who can blame a traveller for craving a taste of home while in a foreign country. Us expats can relate to Pharrell’s predicament. I once cheated on my beloved Tim  Horton and ate a stale Burger King donut in Milan because I was just that desperate.

I’d love to hear the bizarre cravings you’ve had on holiday or while abroad.  Have you ever sung for your supper?

Oh, and if you’re interested in “just breakfast” take a look at my friend Pickle Pea’s blog. I want that toast now!


One more thing before I forget, I just wanted to announce the winner of the giveaway. It’s NYC/Caribbean Ragazza! Congrats and I hope you enjoy the book!!

Entry filed under: Cavolate, Entertainment, Food, WTF. Tags: , , , , , .

Festivus – Masala style! Here come the sons!

5 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Sierra  |  26 March 2009 at 1:25 am

    I always get a craving for peanut butter when I travel abroad. It is amazing how its not readily available like it is here in Canada. I once fed peanut butter on toast to a former Italian bf of mine. He thought it was terrible.
    To each their own!

    Yeah, for some reason Italians can’t stand peanut butter. To counter that, I’ve started feeding my youngins peanut butter on toast for breakfast and now my daughter can’t live without it.

  • 2. nyc/caribbean ragazza  |  26 March 2009 at 6:40 pm

    Pharrell, why, why, why?

    That video is bizarre. I have no words.

    People have done stranger things for pie.

  • 3. Here come the sons! « Milanese Masala  |  1 April 2009 at 2:42 pm

    […] so when I read this article (courtesy of Abbey Rodent), I was so happy I started doing the Pharrell McDonald’s dance in the […]

  • 4. Candace  |  11 April 2009 at 9:56 pm

    lol Pharrell is so funny! he just seems like a cool person to hang with. lol…this is some junk i would do at a McDonald’s lol

  • 5. Ashley  |  27 December 2012 at 7:31 am

    Actually, I think he was channeling his inner Michael Jackson, totally vintage!


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